Friday, September 12, 2014

Organization Decreases Stress

Through the act of getting organized, one can make life much easier. Right?

I woke up this morning around 4:00am. My mind was racing. I was afraid. You see... I had embarked on my own business venture and decided to go the coaching route. I said to myself, "What have I done!?"

After you've forgiven me for my gross negligence of grammar ;) Please read further (apologies in advance to all of my teachers and college professors).

I could not go back to sleep. Fear and anxiety about the business had crept in. They had began to hinder my rest. Then, as though they had heard me, my "mentors" came to me in a lucid dream...

Months ago, I started doing the nightly meditations as described by Napoleon Hill in his famous book, Think & Grow Rich. The technique is simple. As you drift off to sleep each night, you simply visualize or imagine you are in a meeting with people of your choosing. These individuals can be famous, or less than famous. The individuals in your meeting are simply those whom you respect for various reasons. Their purpose is to help you "mastermind" and develop solutions for you to implement in your daily life. Hill referred to this imaginary group as the "invisible counselors."

Hill allowed himself to call upon anyone whom he felt he could benefit from their advice. Whether or not these individuals were alive, these were people Hill respected and were successful.

Previously, I called Tony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson, Mahatma Gandhi, President Abraham Lincoln, Jesus Christ, angels and archangels, even Napoleon Hill himself. I had done this enough times that this morning, the "board" as I called it, came to me automatically. I was praying to God and expressing how afraid and confused I was about the next step I needed to take. I expressed uncertainty and fear to my Creator and that I needed help. Then, God answered!

Interestingly, God did not answer in a biblical fashion. After all The Lord "moves in mysterious ways." (William Cowper, 1774). My "board" had come to my mind. Then, in my mind, they began sharing. Tony Robbins was there. Mr. Hill appeared. Even my current business coach and those from my current mastermind group were on "the board!" They all expressed how capable I am of accomplishing just about anything. I was told repeatedly how smart, competent, and accomplished I am. They reminded me of how much I had done compared to those I graduated high school with. My "board" praised me and encouraged me. I was shown a definite path this morning about the direction I was uncertain of.

I am very grateful to the members of my board. Had it not been for them, I would have been paralyzed by fear.

To circumvent, what does Napoleon Hill's "Invisible Counselors" technique have to do with laughter?

Since my business is to help people using Laughter Yoga, I wasn't quite sure I could make a living in doing so. My board came to my rescue and helped me develop the answers I needed to give me certainty! It was uncertainty that had caused me stress, doubt, and worry. It was my board, however, that helped me find clarity and peace of mind.

I was so excited I had to write this entry!

Don't let fear stop you from having the time of you life. Laugh more!

To learn more:

Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich Original 1937 Edition. S.l.: Duke Classics, 2012. Print.
Cowper, William. God Moves In Mysterious Ways. Unknown, 1774.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Anatomy of Funny

What does a nosey pepper do?
It gets JalepeƱo business!

What do you call a fake noodle?
An Impasta!

Now that you're going on about your day feeling so much better, lol, imagine how much more fun you can add to your day if you simply laughed more. Think of the joyous sound of your own laughter. How much more fun do you see yourself having in your day? Although you don't need to know why something is funny in order to laugh, it can add to your sense of enjoyment to the funny things you and your friends say, and even help expand your sense of humor.

Standup comedians spend countless ours developing material. Yes, many have an individual style, or genre of comedy. Not every comic is funny to everyone all the time. Yet there are similarities that exist between the structure of what each comedian does. The structure of jokes include 3 elements: The Setup, The Punchline, and the Tag. In the setup, a comedian will relate an experience with the audience. Usually these are current event issues. There is also issues with the self that a comedian will bring up in order to set themselves up for a punchline. The details are important, however it's more important to relate and have strong rapport with their audience. With this rapport, a comedian can talk about almost any subject.

Next comes the punchline. Punchlines are usually unexpected ironic statements that complement the setup in a way that deviates from the expectations of the audience. In doing so, the element of surprise is conducted and because of the ridiculous nature of the subject matter, we laugh.

With the element of the Tag, it's possible to have an additional piece to laugh at. You won't always find a tag, yet having one or hearing one can make something that was funny into something that's now hilarious.

There are countless examples of jokes from professionals to those of us being the life of the party. What's important here is that you can easily incorporate the comedy of your own inner comic into the daily grind. Doing so can help alleviate any issues with stress you may be feeling.

You don't need to be a professional standup comedian to tell a great joke. Just get out there and enjoy your time with your friends!